Welcome to our new and improved website!
In case you’re new to us let me give you a little information on who we are and what we do. We are Downland Crafts a family run registered craft supplies business based in Killeshandra, Co. Cavan, Ireland. We have been trading since July 2010 and we specialise in card making, paper crafting, jewellery making and beading supplies.
There are currently 3 members of the team, Tom the big boss who signs all the paperwork, takes your parcels to the post office, sets up all the signage for our events and important things like that. Then there’s me Trish, I do the day to day running of the business, website maintenance, chatting to our customers on social media, designing stamps and Friday Freebies, writing the blog…all the fun stuff. Last but certainly not least is Tanith (a.k.a. Elfie) who helps out with our social media both on our Facebook page and customer group #DownlandCrafters, Tan also designs stamps and Friday Freebies for us.
Until next time, happy crafting
Trish x